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Basic Usage

All Gravis exports are available as named imports via the respective package.

import { Button, Alert, Box } from '@gravis-os/ui'
import { printNumber } from '@gravis-os/utils'

Refer to the MUI Docs if you are unable to find a component that you're looking for.

Key Concepts

  1. Each component extends off the API of its corresponding Ant Design counterpart and is injected with MUI's sx prop which enables styling via emotion/jss and access to the global theme object. You may also find components extended with custom props.

Example of extending an Ant Design Divider component:

import React from 'react'
import { Divider as AntdDivider, DividerProps as AntdDividerProps } from 'antd'
import { withStyledTheme, ThemeInterface } from '../styles/withTheme'

export interface DividerProps extends AntdDividerProps, ThemeInterface {}

const StyledDivider = withStyledTheme(AntdDivider)()

const Divider: React.FC<DividerProps> = (props) => {
return <StyledDivider {...props} />

export default Divider
  1. Gravis has several types of exports.

  2. Gravis is governed by a set of principles.

Example 1: Extending layout

// DashboardLayout.tsx
import { DashboardTemplate } from '@gravis-os'

const DashboardLayout = () => {
return (
<DashboardTemplate leftAsideMenuItems={...}>

Example 2: Extending core components

// MyCard.tsx
import { Card, Typography } from '@gravis-os'

const MyCard = (props) => (
<Card {...props}>
<Typography variant="h4">Title</Typography>

Example 3: Extending types

import { Alert, AlertProps } from '@gravis-os'

export interface MyAlertProps extends AlertProps {}

const MyAlert: React.FC<MyAlertProps> = (props) => (
<Alert {...props}>